Friday, December 30, 2005
Okay, I realize I made a post awhile back about how I didn't want to have to use a piece of Apple software to listen to and watch some of the podcasts I had found, but I admit now... I was wrong. Being the christmas season and all, I got caught up in the moment, and bought a 30GB iPod video, originally with the intention of selling it on eBay. I looked around at prices, and they were only selling for at most 50 bucks more than retail, so I decided not to sell it, but ended up not taking it back because it just felt like it had too much potential. I opened it up, and good lord, it is beautiful. To use it, you have to use iTunes, which I thought at first to be bad... but after using it, it actually isn't too bad a program. The coolest thing thus far about the iPod is the ability to watch videos on it, although you do have to convert them to mp4 files with a third-party program to be able to watch anything not specifically made for itunes/ipod. Watching Diggnation is definitely a plus for it, I love that show. Secondarily, I do not download songs illegally anymore, haven't for about 2-3 years probably, when they started shutting down all the good programs anyway. I downloaded 2 cd's from iTunes, each with about 14-16 songs, for $9.99/ea. Generally this was better than paying $0.99 a song, but still pretty expensive for freaking files. Recently, however, an insanely wonderful site was brought to my attention... that I had heard about before a few months ago, but didn't care about since I didn't have an mp3 player. My manager at RS told me he had been getting songs from it legally for almost a year on only a $50 credit. It is called It is a russian site, but they have an american version that loads automatically anyway. You pay per size of the file, and I don't know the formula they use, but a 192 Kbps encoded file at 4:39 length and 6.54 Mb size costs $0.13! It is insane! You can download an entire album for a little over $1 most of the time. To make a long story short, I put $10 of credit on my account, and have downloaded at least 7 albums now, as well as random songs I wanted by themselves. Woot! If you are looking to stay legal with your songs and want a great place to get em from, definitely check it out. ^_^
Monday, December 19, 2005
The House.
Today I went to Loogootee to say goodbye to Grandma's house. It probably will be the last time I will see it before the sale is finalized on Tuesday. It was really sad... I wish that I had some reason to keep it... a family, or something... but it was too big for just one single guy. Also, regardless that it currently belongs to me, I never could have thought of it as anything other than Grandma's house. Well anyhoo, I took about 100 pics of it, so I will never have to forget it, or her... and will be keeping them in digital and printed form for years so I can show my kids (eventually) and just remember how great of a home it was. I shall post a few of the more interesting ones for you all to see.

I didn't say they were exciting... but they mean something to me. :)

I didn't say they were exciting... but they mean something to me. :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The glory of podcasts.
Okay, I know I am somewhat behind the times here, but I just found out how great podcasts are. Using the extreme lazy power of GetRight, I can now get new podcasts downloaded automatically every day. Woot! These are the ones I found as of yet... I just wish I had a way to play .m4v files WITHOUT a piece of Apple software. :/
this WEEK in TECH
The Laporte Report
I think I am addicted...
this WEEK in TECH
The Laporte Report
I think I am addicted...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Oh yeah.
Forgot by the way, to mention I am back working at Radioshack for the time being. Last weekend they called me and told me one of the people there just stopped showing up, and wondered if I would come back to help out. I was getting pretty bored from not working, plus since they are all good people, I missed working with them too. I decided to go back, at least temporarily, to help until about a week after new years or so... and I might decide to stay on for awhile after that, I haven't made up my mind yet. The nice thing is that if I do decide to leave this time, I will actually put in my 2 weeks notice, and be rehireable if I want to work there again. It all works out, and I am actually enjoying being back too, so everything seems to be going decently.
New Look.
Okay, I got bored and decided to change the look of the blog today... been thinking about it for awhile, and kinda like this new one. I am extremely lazy though, because I choose the template ones they have available, rather than doing the work of figuring out the HTML to do one myself... but oh well. ^_^
On a second note, having my blog as my homepage got Jeremiah reading it, and I got him registered on here, so he now has a blog. The link to it is over on the right side in my links section, so everyone needs to go over there and leave comments for him so he will continue blogging.
On a third note, bought a new camera today, a nice 4 megapixel Fuji FinePix S3100. I have only had a cheapo 3MP kodak with no optical zoom up to this point, and I believe I lost that one on the move from Loogootee anyway. This new one has 6x optical, and was originally $350, but it was on insane clearance at Radioshack for just $90. Naturally I bought it, and got my discount, and for some reason it gave me an extra $30 RS gift card too, so basically I paid $60 for a $350 camera. I plan on taking some good pics and posting them on here... I just need to find stuff to take pictures of now... ^_^
On a second note, having my blog as my homepage got Jeremiah reading it, and I got him registered on here, so he now has a blog. The link to it is over on the right side in my links section, so everyone needs to go over there and leave comments for him so he will continue blogging.
On a third note, bought a new camera today, a nice 4 megapixel Fuji FinePix S3100. I have only had a cheapo 3MP kodak with no optical zoom up to this point, and I believe I lost that one on the move from Loogootee anyway. This new one has 6x optical, and was originally $350, but it was on insane clearance at Radioshack for just $90. Naturally I bought it, and got my discount, and for some reason it gave me an extra $30 RS gift card too, so basically I paid $60 for a $350 camera. I plan on taking some good pics and posting them on here... I just need to find stuff to take pictures of now... ^_^
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I gots tagged, yo.
Well I was reading Erin's blog... and she had a little thing about listing favorite songs and posted hers, at the end "tagging" me and a few others... so I feel obligated to list mine... plus I am bored so it works out. Here are the instructions she had listed... apparently from a livejournal thing: "List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LJ along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to."
1. Kirari Seera Doriimu - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon theme song.
2. November Rain - Guns n' Roses
3. I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan
4. Walk Through The Fire - Buffy The Vampire cast
5. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 - Coheed & Cambria
6. Tragic Kingdom - No Doubt
7. You Learn - Alanis Morissette
Now I realize my music taste is insane, I am alone in alot of my tastes, and 7 songs don't even begin to show it... but I don't care. I like what I like, so nyah. As for the "tagging" 7 other people... Kade, Amanda, Scott's would definitely be interesting, Jeremiah... uh... dunno who else. I assume Ian has been "tagged" by Puma Rumor, but if not... him too.
1. Kirari Seera Doriimu - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon theme song.
2. November Rain - Guns n' Roses
3. I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan
4. Walk Through The Fire - Buffy The Vampire cast
5. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 - Coheed & Cambria
6. Tragic Kingdom - No Doubt
7. You Learn - Alanis Morissette
Now I realize my music taste is insane, I am alone in alot of my tastes, and 7 songs don't even begin to show it... but I don't care. I like what I like, so nyah. As for the "tagging" 7 other people... Kade, Amanda, Scott's would definitely be interesting, Jeremiah... uh... dunno who else. I assume Ian has been "tagged" by Puma Rumor, but if not... him too.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Now YOU know how it feels.
Okay, went to see "Just Friends" tonight, and I have to say... that movie was hilarious. Sadly enough, I identified with it on too many things though. It was above all things a comedy, but it also showed things and situations that I have been in and am still currently in... it was actually pretty eerie. I am definitely always in "The Friend Zone" and never seem to pull myself from it. Dammit but that movie made so much sense to me... but the only thing that detracted from it, from a reality stand point was the ending. Typical Hollywood happy "guy gets the girl" ending. Obviously that never happens in real life, otherwise I would be the happy guy. Oh well, other than that... I loved the movie and will be purchasing it when it becomes available. Damn, I mean honestly... my feelings about something have never been so perfectly portrayed in movie form... it was insane!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
What is patience? I believe it to be the ability to wait and bearing the uncertainty of what lies ahead. I recently began the process of getting over something deeply rooted inside myself, that has been choking my happiness for years. I am really nowhere near being completely finished with it, but the process has actually begun to start, and reality finally has begun to sink in. The basic problem with it is, however... that I feel almost like I have ended a 4 year relationship, even though I have been single all that time. All my friends and family think I should just go cold turkey, and cut it all off now... never look back. I don't want to do that though. I just want to get myself to a place where I don't have to not be around this person. I want to laugh and have fun and do things with this person, without that constant hope, or lack of hope always around darkening my mood. I want to be happy enough with myself and my situation that I don't sabotage a great friendship for selfish idiocy. I assume I am not really meant to be alone all my life... there has got to be a girl out there for me, that will look at me with the same love in her eyes that I know is inside of me, just waiting for the opportunity to get out. The thing is, I know I have to be patient, to just go on, continue moving... finding where I belong and what I want, and it will happen. All the actual relationships in my life began out of pure circumstance, so I assume the BIG one will too, if I am just patient. I just wish that the person that I am currently still stuck on, will realize that she needs patience too... that time is hard to deal with, especially when feelings are involved, but time also can heal wounds, and make you a better person. Regardless of what everyone says, I don't really ever plan on dropping this person from my life forever... I just need to get to the point where I can say with full and complete certainty... "You were right, we are better as just friends." Currently though, that is going to take a whole hell of a lot of patience... from both of us. A real friendship can survive anything, in my opinion.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Okay, as most of you all know, I am quite the videophile and audiophile for that matter. I like to have things I am watching looking and sounding the best they possibly can, no matter what. This started back in the day with my Nintendo I guess, when I was but a wee lad not knowing how to hook a simple RF adapter into a TV with an older hookup. As time progressed, I kept trying to hook things up more and more, trying to get the stereo sound out of my old Super NES, and hooking it up with the AWESOME composite video cables. The one thing back in the day I couldn't do myself though, was have an awesome TV to match my need for awesome picture... but I managed with the old console TV's that were handed down to me when Grandma got a new one. Now, however... being that I am single and spend money pretty much only on myself... except for when I am with friends, and I don't mind paying for meals and such... my limit on an awesome TV was broken. Now I (unfortunately?) sometimes put almost TOO much into my TV experience... TiVo, for example... and the 2 large screen TV's I have had in the past... 4 years? Anyway, I hit a new high today, and got my new TV delivered, after I found a great deal on it on the net. It is an insane 62" a DLP, and it has HDMI support and of course HDTV support. By far, it is the most insane TV I have ever had, and I should really be in the other room watching it, but Jeremiah and Scott are playing XBOX 360 on it at the moment, so I felt like blogging. I don't know for sure if I should be worried when my TV is taller than me diagonally though.
On a second note, I will now add a few pics of my hair going the red it currently is, as promised.

Also on this note, it goes along with the way I seem to be changing who I am, so I will post that as well. Most who know me, know that my look was pretty much lacking as far as clothes go. I basically only wore t-shirts and khakis most of the time, alot of the shirts being Anime Central shirts or plain white shirts. Anyway, while I was at Amanda's parents this past week, Kade, Amanda, and I went shopping and they helped me pick out a few new sets of clothes that seemed to fit me. I personally have to say, I quite like the new ones I bought, and I think I actually look somewhat stylish in them as well. The strangest part of it all was that apparently I am supposed to wear a size large in shirts and such, and I had been wearing size XL which were basically hanging off me. I had no idea clothes were supposed to actually hug your body pretty much. It took a couple days to get used to, but it actually feels better wearing the correct size now.
Well anyway, hope everyone had a good thanksgiving... I think I am going to marvel at my new TV some more. ^_^
On a second note, I will now add a few pics of my hair going the red it currently is, as promised.

Also on this note, it goes along with the way I seem to be changing who I am, so I will post that as well. Most who know me, know that my look was pretty much lacking as far as clothes go. I basically only wore t-shirts and khakis most of the time, alot of the shirts being Anime Central shirts or plain white shirts. Anyway, while I was at Amanda's parents this past week, Kade, Amanda, and I went shopping and they helped me pick out a few new sets of clothes that seemed to fit me. I personally have to say, I quite like the new ones I bought, and I think I actually look somewhat stylish in them as well. The strangest part of it all was that apparently I am supposed to wear a size large in shirts and such, and I had been wearing size XL which were basically hanging off me. I had no idea clothes were supposed to actually hug your body pretty much. It took a couple days to get used to, but it actually feels better wearing the correct size now.
Well anyway, hope everyone had a good thanksgiving... I think I am going to marvel at my new TV some more. ^_^
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Okay, the other night at Ian's, I decided to dye my hair red... after Erin had suggested it. I have never had any hair color except my natural color, but at one point I bleached it really blonde, kinda like what I had when I was a kid. Anyhoo, Ian did the dye job, and good god... my hair is REALLY red. As soon as Ian sends me the pics of it, or I get a good digital cam, I will post pics seeing as how my webcam apparently doesn't think that colors are necessary. The only weird part is that I feel like a Ginger Kid... and the red hair really sets off my pasty pale skin... so I look even weirder than usual. Oh well, it was fun, and I like it, and have always wanted to change to an odd (for me) color anyway. I think next time I am going to do a more extreme color though, like bright freaking anime red (which I really have ALWAYS wanted to do) or ice blue or something... in either case, if I do it... of course I will post pics of it too.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
My exit.
Why is it I would have to fall in love with someone that doesn't love me? Why is it that girls want assholes instead of friends? What makes the guy that treats a girl like shit so irresistable to them? I can't be an asshole, nor do I want to be... yet, it seems unless I become one... I am destined to be alone all my life. People say there is someone out there, that I just haven't found her yet... but what if it already feels that I have? What happens when the person that is right for you is there, but you aren't right for her? Is it possible to be too nice? To give too much of yourself and that pushes someone away? Why should it be wrong to do everything you can to help people the people you care about? I feel like I am running in place, watching things go by, but never finding my exit. I can see it coming towards me, but it never reaches me. What do you do when you look and look and look for something to replace the feeling you already have, and nothing comes along, or nothing you try does it? People tell me to move on, that she is just messing with me. But how can I blame someone for how they feel? It is like blaming myself for feeling the way I do, but I know you can't just change how you feel because you want to. Nice guys finish last apparently. That is my best argument for there being no higher power. If there were something that could control how things happened, or could influence things, then I think life would be more fair. Why am I so fucking abhorrent? Why is there no woman out there that wants to be with ME? Why am I always so good as a friend, and nothing more? Maybe if I were a horrible friend, girls would like me? What does "some girl out there is going to be SOOOO lucky to have you one day" mean? Why don't YOU want to be that girl? I see the Austin exit ahead, 1 mile... and I run. I see another sign, Austin exit ahead, 1/2 mile... and I run. Then I see another sign, Austin exit ahead, 1 mile... and I run. I never get there. I keep running, and I don't know why I can't stop looking for my exit.
Monday, October 31, 2005
I generally can't put my thoughts into many words these days, nor do I have alot to say being that I am confused as to my place in life at the moment. I haven't checked this for quite awhile, mainly because I am somewhat obsessed with MySpace at the moment. Until I either choose to continue updating this, or start using the MySpace blog thing, you should probably keep up with my spot on myspace for the time being. If I do decide to use this for blogging, which is more likely, being that it is quite a bit prettier... I will let you all know on here AND on my myspace page. Anyway, here be the link:
Thanks for reading folks!
Thanks for reading folks!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Outsourced Customer Service Blows
Okay, seriously. Tonight I decided to go ahead and finalize cancelling Netscape Internet Service since my cable is now up and working. Obviously I have no use for a dial-up provider when I have the pure greatness of Insight. Anyway, when I tried to get rid of it, the following (more or less) took place when I got ahold of a cancellation person and got past the useless "Identity" info that anyone who knows any small bit of info about me would know, thus making it pointless.
THEM: Sorry to hear you are cancelling, might I ask why?
ME: Well, I got high-speed cable internet, so I don't need dial-up service anymore.
THEM: Oh, well when you had Netscape, did you enjoy the service?
ME: Yeah, it was okay... for dial-up.
THEM: Well, we are sorry to hear you are cancelling, I will go ahead and give you free access through November 11th.
ME: Uh... I won't need it, but after November 11th, it will cancel, right?
THEM: Well, "I" will go ahead and pay for you to have the access till November 11th, and then you will get a letter from Netscape asking if you want to continue or cancel at that time.
ME: Uh, no I want to cancel it right now.
THEM: Well, now are you sure? Cable internet goes out sometimes, and you can use Netscape dial-up as a back up in that case.
ME: I will not be having a phone line, so I won't have any use for it. I would like to cancel now.
THEM: Well, you would still have access to Netscape Member services THROUGH your cable internet connection at the same FAST speed as the rest of your cable internet, without having to have a phone line!(YAY!)
ME: But I don't care, I just want to cancel.
THEM: Well, I will set you up till November 11th for no charge then.
ME: No, I don't want it anymore, cancel it now.
THEM: Okay, are you sure? You will still be charged the full month even though it goes till October 11th. I could leave it going till November 11th at no charge to you, so you get 1 month free!
ME: No, cancel it now.
THEM: Are you sure? I ca..
ME: No, cancel it now.
THEM: Okay, I will cancel it for you now, then.
Then the woman FINALLY said it was cancelled(I think) and that I would receive a letter in the mail in a few weeks confirming the cancellation. I hope it wasn't yet another attempt to keep it going unless I give blood in person and father a child in their presence though.
Moral of the story:
Customer service for EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE sucks. They will not take no for an answer, and waste their and my time for no reason. Bottom line, interrupt the bastards from the get go and just keep saying no no no no until they cry or something.
THEM: Sorry to hear you are cancelling, might I ask why?
ME: Well, I got high-speed cable internet, so I don't need dial-up service anymore.
THEM: Oh, well when you had Netscape, did you enjoy the service?
ME: Yeah, it was okay... for dial-up.
THEM: Well, we are sorry to hear you are cancelling, I will go ahead and give you free access through November 11th.
ME: Uh... I won't need it, but after November 11th, it will cancel, right?
THEM: Well, "I" will go ahead and pay for you to have the access till November 11th, and then you will get a letter from Netscape asking if you want to continue or cancel at that time.
ME: Uh, no I want to cancel it right now.
THEM: Well, now are you sure? Cable internet goes out sometimes, and you can use Netscape dial-up as a back up in that case.
ME: I will not be having a phone line, so I won't have any use for it. I would like to cancel now.
THEM: Well, you would still have access to Netscape Member services THROUGH your cable internet connection at the same FAST speed as the rest of your cable internet, without having to have a phone line!(YAY!)
ME: But I don't care, I just want to cancel.
THEM: Well, I will set you up till November 11th for no charge then.
ME: No, I don't want it anymore, cancel it now.
THEM: Okay, are you sure? You will still be charged the full month even though it goes till October 11th. I could leave it going till November 11th at no charge to you, so you get 1 month free!
ME: No, cancel it now.
THEM: Are you sure? I ca..
ME: No, cancel it now.
THEM: Okay, I will cancel it for you now, then.
Then the woman FINALLY said it was cancelled(I think) and that I would receive a letter in the mail in a few weeks confirming the cancellation. I hope it wasn't yet another attempt to keep it going unless I give blood in person and father a child in their presence though.
Moral of the story:
Customer service for EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE sucks. They will not take no for an answer, and waste their and my time for no reason. Bottom line, interrupt the bastards from the get go and just keep saying no no no no until they cry or something.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
The new bed.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Okay, as most of you know, I am moving to Jasper. I am really freaking excited, and I just can't stop thinking how awesome it is going to be to have broadband again. I originally was going to go for Insight's 6mbps deal, but it was going to cost too much to be worth it, so I am going with the 4mbps deal now WITH cable for just 65 bucks. It is a pretty good deal. Anyway, regardless that I have had dial up... I consider myself to have been without internet for about 4 months now, so it will be nice to have insane speeds again, even if I have to wait till Tuesday, so boo yah.
On a secondary note, I am planning on getting a full-size bed when I move too... I am tired of having just a twin bed, and I don't really know why. I generally don't need more room by myself, so it must be to share with the mad amounts of females I will be getting when I move. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Anyway, it will be nice to feel a bit more "grown up" with a decent size bed anyway, twin beds just scream child/teen to me. PLUS I believe I am actually going to buy sheets and such for my new bed, so for the first time in a long time, I will have a real looking bedroom, rather than an unused guest room for the family member you don't like-looking room.
On a tertiary note, Kade will be helping tomorrow after 2pm hopefully, although I will have to drive to Vincennes to pick him up, and by 2 I think I will have the larger portion of my things moved over there. Anyway, I will probably take pictures of the place, or rather I want to take pictures, but will be too lazy to actually take them. If I happen to take any though, they will go up on here at some point, yet another task hinging on my ability to not be lazy.
Unrelated at all, I was reading through Wally World Life again the other day, and it continues to be hilarious. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it.
On a secondary note, I am planning on getting a full-size bed when I move too... I am tired of having just a twin bed, and I don't really know why. I generally don't need more room by myself, so it must be to share with the mad amounts of females I will be getting when I move. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Anyway, it will be nice to feel a bit more "grown up" with a decent size bed anyway, twin beds just scream child/teen to me. PLUS I believe I am actually going to buy sheets and such for my new bed, so for the first time in a long time, I will have a real looking bedroom, rather than an unused guest room for the family member you don't like-looking room.
On a tertiary note, Kade will be helping tomorrow after 2pm hopefully, although I will have to drive to Vincennes to pick him up, and by 2 I think I will have the larger portion of my things moved over there. Anyway, I will probably take pictures of the place, or rather I want to take pictures, but will be too lazy to actually take them. If I happen to take any though, they will go up on here at some point, yet another task hinging on my ability to not be lazy.
Unrelated at all, I was reading through Wally World Life again the other day, and it continues to be hilarious. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Okay, although I don't like the fact that currently the government is dropping the ball on helping with the relief effort down in the south where the hurricane hit, I think everyone should donate money to help the effort, if they have the means for even a little bit of money. I am going to donate here at the Shack on Monday, since they are going to be accepting donations in store as of Sunday. Anyway, if you feel like it, check out the Red Cross and see what you can do ^_^
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Commander Keen!
Okay, Ian sent me an email with this in it, and I personally want to share it with everyone, plus I would like to have a link outside my email that I can always access it from ^_^ Go play it now!
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Okay, I don't know what the heck was my deal the other day, but I seem to be fine now. I think nearly killing myself by helping Ian move helped surprisingly. It was so insanely hot and things were heavy, and i was so out of shape... and it was fun to be out doing something too, even being something hard labor related. So boo yah. Got my car serviced, still needs the light fixed... and got the paint removed and got it detailed fully too, so it is looking basically like new, except for the permanent bug splatters that cannot be buffed out or anything short of full repaint on the hood. No biggie though, I am getting a front-end mask for it anyway, so it should be no problem. Also, bought Yuffie a big-ass scratching post, which she seems to love, and even seems to be FAR calmer now that she has it. I am planning on modding it with a top platform for her to sit on and adding a spring ball thing to it too. So woot!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Well, I am apparently in a depressed mood... I don't really want to do anything, and nothing really seems worth it. Unfortunately for me though, regardless that I feel shitty, I will continue to go about my daily life as if it had a purpose, and even worry about things like money and such, even though I don't have a love life, which is the one thing I want. I really don't know what put me in this mood, but I'm here now. Yuffie seems insane, will not stop attacking/biting/clawing me randomly almost all the time, except for extremely rare instances when she will be nice and purr and lay around like a normal cat. Also, missing grandma a whole lot, keep wishing I had gone to see her more often, random things remind me of her, like tonight when I went to Subway(her favorite food place), and ordered, but felt shitty cause I wanted to get some for her too, and take it to her and talk to her, and I can't. Almost every night I end up thinking how much I want to go see her, and now I never will be able to again... I have her picture of me, elsie and clara up above my desk now, and I can see her smiling( in a picture that's fairly odd) anytime I want, and I can look to the left and see her "God bless america" craft thing she made shortly before she died... but it doesn't help... I keep thinking how I wish she could have lived to see me eventually marry and have kids so she could see them, and they could have met their grandma, and seen how great she was too... Beh... life just pretty much sucks. People keep telling me she lived a long life, and that's great and all and she's with god now, but its not really fair in my opinion... I mean if there was a god, why the fuck would he/she/it pointlessly take good people like her away from the people that love them? I mean, I was pretty much in denial the past few years, grandma being gone was not even a believable thing to me, i just assumed she would always be around. I escaped a good portion of reality for a few days while I read the new Harry Potter book, but now I am stuck back into reality without anything to get me out of it... My car needs service, the foglights have somekind of problem, i ran over a huge amount of spilled white paint, so my paintjob is ruined too... fuck it, im rambling... I guess I will just go try to sleep instead of worrying about this shit, sleep gets me away from things for a few good hours at least.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The reason.
Okay, as I said I will explain why Colorado was kinda suck.
Basically, all who know me know that the reason I went to Colorado was to see the girl that I had had a huge crush on for a couple of years. Well, I had told her how I felt a few weeks prior to going out there and was handed back the inevitable "I don't feel the same way" line, so thus I was pretty much heartbroken, but was not really expecting anything different. After this little experience, and the awkwardness I felt that had to be there, I said maybe I shouldn't go out there, but she insisted it wouldn't be weird, and I should go. So I relented, and decided to go anyway... mainly with a false hope in my mind that maybe she would change her mind when I got there. (MISTAKE) so anyway, I went there... and of course things were "fine" at first, but then she started telling me about this other guy she was wanting to date, and all the details... so I took it in stride and tried to have a good time. Long story short though, I was there 4 days, and in those 4 days, she spent maybe a total of 4-5 hours with me, and at least 12-20 hours out with or talking to this new guy. Needless to say I felt pretty much like shit, and the thing that tipped me over the edge was the fact that she had 2 true days off while I was going to be there, and on the first real day off we were possibly going to do something together, she slept all day, then went out with the new guy ALL night, and didn't do anything with me basically. To top it all off though, the next morn when she came back in (at 7am), and I had gotten up at around 5am (my sleep schedule was off because of the time changes), she didn't even say good morning or greet me at all, and went straight to bed. So I decided then that I had to leave, mainly because I was having a HORRIBLE time and was feeling jealous of this new guy, even though I shouldn't be, such that she isn't my girlfriend. So I left her a "Dear Jane" note saying why I couldn't stay, and bolted out as fast as I could go... drove a good 1100 miles in one day, from 7am - 12am pretty much, and had to stop in St. Louis, because I was getting kind of tired :)
I did enjoy the rest of my vacation here in Loogootee surprisingly though, since I basically just sat around and loafed the entire time. Plus, the drive to and from colo. was pretty cool just seeing all the different states. I do not recommend driving through Nebraska though, it pretty much sucks ass.
So anyway, things between her and I now are pretty weird, we talked 2 times since I left I think, and we are supposedly back to being "friends" but I haven't talked to her for about 2 weeks now, and i really kinda don't want to. She tried calling today apparently while I was at work, but I left my phone here at home, so I didn't get it. I will probably try to call her sometime tomorrow, but I really don't know why... I think deep down I am kind of hoping she will end up hating me and eventually not call anymore, because I can't stop feeling the way I do about her, plus avoiding the situation entirely and playing games and watching TiVo seems to make me forget about how much it hurts temporarily(still!)
Also, because of this, I hit possibly a new sadness level... I actually went to eharmony, and filled out the profile thing again(3rd time), and was accepted... unlike the first time... and actually PAID for a 3 month subscription! WTF!? It's insanely expensive, but for the love of god, if this doesn't show how utterly desperate I am to forget about my feelings, I don't know what does! :)
One last thing, sorry about the length of this post... but hey, drama is interesting! ^_^
Basically, all who know me know that the reason I went to Colorado was to see the girl that I had had a huge crush on for a couple of years. Well, I had told her how I felt a few weeks prior to going out there and was handed back the inevitable "I don't feel the same way" line, so thus I was pretty much heartbroken, but was not really expecting anything different. After this little experience, and the awkwardness I felt that had to be there, I said maybe I shouldn't go out there, but she insisted it wouldn't be weird, and I should go. So I relented, and decided to go anyway... mainly with a false hope in my mind that maybe she would change her mind when I got there. (MISTAKE) so anyway, I went there... and of course things were "fine" at first, but then she started telling me about this other guy she was wanting to date, and all the details... so I took it in stride and tried to have a good time. Long story short though, I was there 4 days, and in those 4 days, she spent maybe a total of 4-5 hours with me, and at least 12-20 hours out with or talking to this new guy. Needless to say I felt pretty much like shit, and the thing that tipped me over the edge was the fact that she had 2 true days off while I was going to be there, and on the first real day off we were possibly going to do something together, she slept all day, then went out with the new guy ALL night, and didn't do anything with me basically. To top it all off though, the next morn when she came back in (at 7am), and I had gotten up at around 5am (my sleep schedule was off because of the time changes), she didn't even say good morning or greet me at all, and went straight to bed. So I decided then that I had to leave, mainly because I was having a HORRIBLE time and was feeling jealous of this new guy, even though I shouldn't be, such that she isn't my girlfriend. So I left her a "Dear Jane" note saying why I couldn't stay, and bolted out as fast as I could go... drove a good 1100 miles in one day, from 7am - 12am pretty much, and had to stop in St. Louis, because I was getting kind of tired :)
I did enjoy the rest of my vacation here in Loogootee surprisingly though, since I basically just sat around and loafed the entire time. Plus, the drive to and from colo. was pretty cool just seeing all the different states. I do not recommend driving through Nebraska though, it pretty much sucks ass.
So anyway, things between her and I now are pretty weird, we talked 2 times since I left I think, and we are supposedly back to being "friends" but I haven't talked to her for about 2 weeks now, and i really kinda don't want to. She tried calling today apparently while I was at work, but I left my phone here at home, so I didn't get it. I will probably try to call her sometime tomorrow, but I really don't know why... I think deep down I am kind of hoping she will end up hating me and eventually not call anymore, because I can't stop feeling the way I do about her, plus avoiding the situation entirely and playing games and watching TiVo seems to make me forget about how much it hurts temporarily(still!)
Also, because of this, I hit possibly a new sadness level... I actually went to eharmony, and filled out the profile thing again(3rd time), and was accepted... unlike the first time... and actually PAID for a 3 month subscription! WTF!? It's insanely expensive, but for the love of god, if this doesn't show how utterly desperate I am to forget about my feelings, I don't know what does! :)
One last thing, sorry about the length of this post... but hey, drama is interesting! ^_^
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
My new job!
Well, I am at my new job today... where I have full internet access while working. YAY! Seeing as how it is quite boring at the moment, I thought I would throw a quick post up just to let people know I still exist. Woot.
On a separate note, I am currently playing two MMORPGs off and on now, WoW still being one, and I recently got into City of Heroes. It was only 20 bucks at Wal-Mart, and I had heard quite a bit of good stuff... PLUS the ability to be a superhero is just a damned cool concept by itself anyway. So I quite enjoy CoH right now, it is surprisingly fun, although not that deep. The greatest part of it is the insane amount of things you can do to create your character, and you can actually make a truly unique looking character... unlike most MMORPGs. My favorite character thus far I have created is a Mutation Blaster called Jigowatt with (surprise) electrical powers. I will post a pic eventually of his greatness... but for now I cannot being that I am at work. Well that is it for now, I think I will go stand around and hope for someone to come in so I can sell them a phone. BaWoot.
On a separate note, I am currently playing two MMORPGs off and on now, WoW still being one, and I recently got into City of Heroes. It was only 20 bucks at Wal-Mart, and I had heard quite a bit of good stuff... PLUS the ability to be a superhero is just a damned cool concept by itself anyway. So I quite enjoy CoH right now, it is surprisingly fun, although not that deep. The greatest part of it is the insane amount of things you can do to create your character, and you can actually make a truly unique looking character... unlike most MMORPGs. My favorite character thus far I have created is a Mutation Blaster called Jigowatt with (surprise) electrical powers. I will post a pic eventually of his greatness... but for now I cannot being that I am at work. Well that is it for now, I think I will go stand around and hope for someone to come in so I can sell them a phone. BaWoot.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
What is up with MMORPG servers?
Okay, so I decided to pick up WoW again now that my HL2 phase is finished, as well as my GTA:SA phase. I am still partially in a KOTOR2 phase, but it is only off and on. Wow, is alot of acronyms in two sentences! ANYWAY, so I am playing WoW again as of Sunday night, not for a long time... then Monday I play a little as well, both my days off. I planned on playing all morning Tuesday though, before I had to go to work... but of COURSE I wake up extremely early, depriving myself of 3 or 4 hours of sleep, just to find that the servers are down for maintenance till about 2 or 3 in the afternoon! WTF? Now, certainly this could be just a coincidence, but it seems anytime I plan on playing in the morning... they are down for the majority of it. I don't know if they just WANT to piss off morning players or what, but they should really think about doing maintenance sometime in the WEE morning hours when less people are playing... of course that would make too much sense, so they don't. Seriously though, what freaking kind of maintenance requires 6+ hours anyway? Argh.
Anyway, I did my taxes today too, and all I can say is that I fucking hate dial-up connections. A 13 meg file(the indiana state tax prog that came as a free download with turbotax) took almost an HOUR to download! I seriously cannot stand this slow ass connection much longer, I don't understand why Loogootee can't get DSL or Cable. We have the potential and the hardware for both as far as I know, but none of the companies in town offer it! I am potentially trying to get a satellite connection going, thanks to my dad giving me his hardware... but we keep putting off putting it up, because it will be a bitch to get aimed and set-up, PLUS costs like 70 bucks a month... but since I am desperate I will probably end up paying it if it works even slightly better than this.
Anyway, I did my taxes today too, and all I can say is that I fucking hate dial-up connections. A 13 meg file(the indiana state tax prog that came as a free download with turbotax) took almost an HOUR to download! I seriously cannot stand this slow ass connection much longer, I don't understand why Loogootee can't get DSL or Cable. We have the potential and the hardware for both as far as I know, but none of the companies in town offer it! I am potentially trying to get a satellite connection going, thanks to my dad giving me his hardware... but we keep putting off putting it up, because it will be a bitch to get aimed and set-up, PLUS costs like 70 bucks a month... but since I am desperate I will probably end up paying it if it works even slightly better than this.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Ahhh to be in Sin City
Okay, so I went to see Sin City yesterday... and WOW. I mean, that movie was so damned stylish and cool, plus the stories in it were so old school and noirish... I mean, WOW. I don't want to give away any spoilers to the movie, but the acting was so bad in parts, it added to the feel of the film... the visuals were amazing, and the whole black and white with bits of color added SO much to it. I swear, all comic book movies need to be done as well as Sin City. ALSO, Jessica Alba and Brittany Murphy being in it AND being extremely hot made for an enjoyable experience as well. I really need to pick up a copy of the graphic novel and see just how well done it was though.
On a related note, I usually wait till the end of movies before walking out of the theater, this includes staying till the credits run... just to see if anything extra happens. In case you were wondering, nothing happened at the end of this one, so feel free to leave after the final scene... unless you are like me and stay anyway ^_^
On a related note, I usually wait till the end of movies before walking out of the theater, this includes staying till the credits run... just to see if anything extra happens. In case you were wondering, nothing happened at the end of this one, so feel free to leave after the final scene... unless you are like me and stay anyway ^_^
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Customers suck.
Okay, so today I was on break, and waiting to check out, when a customer that I had helped earlier saw me and said "I need a game out!" Well, being as that i am not an electronics associate anyway, PLUS I was on break I said "Sorry, I am on break." Then the moronic guy got mad and said he wanted a game out now, then some other guy started saying the same thing! I said again sorry, I am on break... I don't know where the electronics associate is, and they said well, get some one over here... to which I said again, I am on break. Then they told me to get my manager over there... and I was like.. no, I am on break. Then finally the elec. associate came up and helped them... but still I mean, do I go to their jobs, wait for them to go to break and say "Come on, get your windex and paper towels... these jerk booths don't clean themselves!"? I mean seriously. Assholes!
On another note, I am going to see Sin City tomorrow at the matinee... so hopefully it will be as good as it looks. If nothing else, a scantily clad Jessica Alba will be worth the $3.50 ^_^
On another note, I am going to see Sin City tomorrow at the matinee... so hopefully it will be as good as it looks. If nothing else, a scantily clad Jessica Alba will be worth the $3.50 ^_^
Friday, April 01, 2005
Okay, seriously.
Okay, had a pretty interesting day today. I was going to lunch and when I got to my car, some old couple were loading some lame-ass concrete lawn statue into their big ass red truck parked next to my car. WHY they weren't putting it into the bed of the truck, I don't know... but whatever. So they are blocking the path to my driver door, so I decide to walk around the front of my car and get in that way... as I get closer, I notice they are having some trouble getting the thing in their truck, so I decide I am going to offer to help. Well, right as I was getting ready to ask if they needed help... the old lady loses control and falls against the open door of the truck and it FREAKING hits my beautiful car door and leaves this big ass scuff mark! WTF!? I mean seriously, why did that have to happen? I love this car so much... and lame ass people or things keep fucking leaving scratch marks and shit all over it! So anyway, I am basically taken over by shock and rage, and the old lady is like... "Oh... is it okay? It didn't hurt it did it?" And I was like, well YEAH... I am going to need your insurance info! So the old guy gets out his card and I try to find a pen or something, but of course can't... so I have to ask the guy for one, which I kind of think is funny... :) So I take his info down and called progressive and that old moron is going to pay for my door to be fixed... I mean WTF. Every car I have had before this, I never had a single problem with things happen to scratch it... but of course the one car I totally love, has to keep getting its ass kicked by dogs, magnets, and old people! ARGH! So hopefully they bodyshop can fix it and make it look like new again... I am hoping.
On an unrelated note, did anyone see the PSP-Terry Schiavo South Park on Wednesday? It was supremely hilarious and I agreed with it for the most part. I don't know why ANYONE would want to be kept alive with a feeding tube... So if I ever am in a persistent vegetative state... my readers, you have my permission to let my sorry ass die! ^_^
On an unrelated note, did anyone see the PSP-Terry Schiavo South Park on Wednesday? It was supremely hilarious and I agreed with it for the most part. I don't know why ANYONE would want to be kept alive with a feeding tube... So if I ever am in a persistent vegetative state... my readers, you have my permission to let my sorry ass die! ^_^
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
New Glasses...
Well, today I got new glasses... back to wearing them after about a year with contacts. I was getting pretty lazy, so I decided to get a pair again, since some days I didn't feel like poking myself in the eye and leaving things there all day... and having to deal with taking them out at night and such. I am assuming I am going to become more lazy now though, and will probably stop wearing my contacts all together now. Only time will tell. Also, my neck has been killing me for the past 4 days, to the point where I had to leave work early last friday. I don't know what is causing it, but today sucked major ass... aching pain all day. Laying down on the couch all night though seems to have helped, and I don't seem to be having as much pain as usual... with luck, tomorrow it will be nice and pain-free again!
On a scarier note, I recieved a call from my cousin today around 11am but was unable to answer it because I was at work... but when I went on break, I called my voicemail and found out my grandma was at the emergency room for pneumonia! I was more than a little freaked out and tried to find out what was going on, but got the runaround when I called the hospital, so I waited until I was off work and went to see her. Luckily she seemed fine for the most part, except for the oxygen mask and such... but they were saying she was doing pretty good. I really hope she starts getting better... I don't know what I would do if she was gone... She deserves to live for another 30 freaking years... she is just such a good person. Well, I am hoping for the best and am planning on going to see her during my lunch tomorrow... so that will be good.
On a scarier note, I recieved a call from my cousin today around 11am but was unable to answer it because I was at work... but when I went on break, I called my voicemail and found out my grandma was at the emergency room for pneumonia! I was more than a little freaked out and tried to find out what was going on, but got the runaround when I called the hospital, so I waited until I was off work and went to see her. Luckily she seemed fine for the most part, except for the oxygen mask and such... but they were saying she was doing pretty good. I really hope she starts getting better... I don't know what I would do if she was gone... She deserves to live for another 30 freaking years... she is just such a good person. Well, I am hoping for the best and am planning on going to see her during my lunch tomorrow... so that will be good.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Half-Life 2 is the lord.
So I started playing Half-Life 2 yesterday after finally buying it... and all I can say is HOLY SHIT. I mean seriously, this game so far freaking rules so much more than the first... and I have barely begun it. The physics engine in it makes for some fun puzzle solving, and I just got the gravity gun which lets me pick big things up and throw them at enemies... which all I can say is "sawblade + high velocity + zombie thing = FUN!" ^_^ On an unrelated note, I keep reading through my Love Hina mangas in random orders, and still love reading them. PLUS the PSP just plain rules... I just need to get myself a nice 1gig memory stick duo and start converting dvds to the mpeg4 format that the PSP reads so I can take my movies with me and watch them during my lunch.
First Post
Well, I am posting for the first time... I can assure you ahead of time that most of this blog will be fairly pointless, but I guess if you are bored you might find something interesting to read. I work in a customer service type job, selling cell phones, so I will most likely rant on here about stupid and funny customer stories from time to time. So anyway, prepare yourselves... the bleh has begun!
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