Okay, I don't know what the heck was my deal the other day, but I seem to be fine now. I think nearly killing myself by helping Ian move helped surprisingly. It was so insanely hot and things were heavy, and i was so out of shape... and it was fun to be out doing something too, even being something hard labor related. So boo yah. Got my car serviced, still needs the light fixed... and got the paint removed and got it detailed fully too, so it is looking basically like new, except for the permanent bug splatters that cannot be buffed out or anything short of full repaint on the hood. No biggie though, I am getting a front-end mask for it anyway, so it should be no problem. Also, bought Yuffie a big-ass scratching post, which she seems to love, and even seems to be FAR calmer now that she has it. I am planning on modding it with a top platform for her to sit on and adding a spring ball thing to it too. So woot!
Good to see you lived through the helping us move. I still think I died. It took me three days to get rid of the headaches, dizziness, and general nausea. We still have boxes and shit all over the place. Guess we will have to get around to them sometime. Oh well.
Wow, well when you guys are a bit more settled, let me know so I can come up and stay on a day off or something.
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