Monday, April 04, 2005

Ahhh to be in Sin City

Okay, so I went to see Sin City yesterday... and WOW. I mean, that movie was so damned stylish and cool, plus the stories in it were so old school and noirish... I mean, WOW. I don't want to give away any spoilers to the movie, but the acting was so bad in parts, it added to the feel of the film... the visuals were amazing, and the whole black and white with bits of color added SO much to it. I swear, all comic book movies need to be done as well as Sin City. ALSO, Jessica Alba and Brittany Murphy being in it AND being extremely hot made for an enjoyable experience as well. I really need to pick up a copy of the graphic novel and see just how well done it was though.

On a related note, I usually wait till the end of movies before walking out of the theater, this includes staying till the credits run... just to see if anything extra happens. In case you were wondering, nothing happened at the end of this one, so feel free to leave after the final scene... unless you are like me and stay anyway ^_^

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