Friday, December 30, 2005


Okay, I realize I made a post awhile back about how I didn't want to have to use a piece of Apple software to listen to and watch some of the podcasts I had found, but I admit now... I was wrong. Being the christmas season and all, I got caught up in the moment, and bought a 30GB iPod video, originally with the intention of selling it on eBay. I looked around at prices, and they were only selling for at most 50 bucks more than retail, so I decided not to sell it, but ended up not taking it back because it just felt like it had too much potential. I opened it up, and good lord, it is beautiful. To use it, you have to use iTunes, which I thought at first to be bad... but after using it, it actually isn't too bad a program. The coolest thing thus far about the iPod is the ability to watch videos on it, although you do have to convert them to mp4 files with a third-party program to be able to watch anything not specifically made for itunes/ipod. Watching Diggnation is definitely a plus for it, I love that show. Secondarily, I do not download songs illegally anymore, haven't for about 2-3 years probably, when they started shutting down all the good programs anyway. I downloaded 2 cd's from iTunes, each with about 14-16 songs, for $9.99/ea. Generally this was better than paying $0.99 a song, but still pretty expensive for freaking files. Recently, however, an insanely wonderful site was brought to my attention... that I had heard about before a few months ago, but didn't care about since I didn't have an mp3 player. My manager at RS told me he had been getting songs from it legally for almost a year on only a $50 credit. It is called It is a russian site, but they have an american version that loads automatically anyway. You pay per size of the file, and I don't know the formula they use, but a 192 Kbps encoded file at 4:39 length and 6.54 Mb size costs $0.13! It is insane! You can download an entire album for a little over $1 most of the time. To make a long story short, I put $10 of credit on my account, and have downloaded at least 7 albums now, as well as random songs I wanted by themselves. Woot! If you are looking to stay legal with your songs and want a great place to get em from, definitely check it out. ^_^


Anonymous said...

And how many times have I told you Apple does everything better, or at least far, far better than anyone is willing give them credit for.

Kozzuth said...

It's all in the code...

Kozzuth said...

Man, sounds soooooo cool! We are totally quitting napster now (I am on the phone right now canceling it...)

Anonymous said...

I might have to try soon, I am wanting to expand our music collection some, and I just can't bring myself to buy CDs but I refuse to break my illegal music ban.

Anonymous said...

totally amazing . thanks again. sorry i couldnt get down for new years amandas dad has actually started fixing the door! i'll be down friday and we will be going to bloomington for our future home.