Okay, previously I have told most that know me, that I got drunk for the first time a little over a year ago. This first time was when I was at Linton, and was 1 or 2 days after I had stepped down as manager of the Photo Lab there. I was at a little get together with a couple of girls from the lab I had worked with, and some other guy who was one of their friends. Normally, everyone who knows me understands that if it tastes like alcohol, I am not going to enjoy it. I have tried multiple things and it always ends up being fairly nasty. When at this get together though, they had me try some Southern Comfort. As usual, I assumed I would hate it, and that would be the end. However, due to wanting one of the girls to like me, and my normal “try it once” stance on drinks, I gave it a try. I took a shot, having a Sprite handy to wash away the nasty if need be. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t bad, and I kind of liked it. It burnt like all of hell going down, and my eyes watered but all in all it was okay. Fast forward 5 shots later in about 45 minutes to an hour, and I was slightly drunk for the first time in my life. I thought nothing of it, and was fairly surprised that I wasn’t more drunk, seeing as how I should have very little tolerance for alcohol. Since then, Southern Comfort has been my alcohol of choice if I am going to do any drinking, and has only happened on a handful of social occasions since then. I never did get drunk after that first night, until LAST Friday night.
While over at Evan’s house, he and Kade decided they were going to drink a bit that night so we went to Big Red Liquors in Bloomington. Kade bought some vanilla vodka stuff, and a 4–pack of some chocolate beer crap. Out of impulse, I decided since I wouldn’t be driving anywhere, I would get in on the fun so I bought a bottle of Southern Comfort. Later that night, the drinking began… and I kept with the idea that 6 shots generally would get me to the drunk point. So I took my first shot, and the usual warmth began. About 2 minutes later, I went for my second shot and about 2 minutes later I was feeling somewhat like I did after the fourth or fifth shot when in Linton. I got kind of intrigued at that point, but was going to do at least my 6 shot limit just out of principle. By the sixth shot, I was well into drunkeness… but still had my mind about me, but was doing my normal laughing at nothing thing, and so on and so forth. I kept wanting to push it further, however so I went for shot 7. Evan and Kade kept telling me to slow down, and for the most part I listened but kept wanting to do another shot… so I kept bugging them waiting to do more. I did my eighth shot and then my ninth in about a 15 minute span, at which point they decided that should be it for me. I pretty much was good for being done at that point too, since I remember what happened after that, but it was definitely not normal Damien behavior. I know I continued my laughing fits, I helped Kade get a ringtone to his phone, I was on the floor rolling around laughing for a bit, I fell over the couch onto my head and almost flipped over, and I am sure quite a few other funny things as well. After the fact, I believe I drank about 3/4 of the Southern Comfort bottle by myself, in about the span of 2–2 1/2 hours. I did not feel sick in the least, but was getting tired, so I decided to fall asleep on the couch. Evan and Kade suggested I drink some water before sleep, to keep me hydrated, and to sleep on my side in case of sleep-vomiting or some such thing. I did both of those things, and was fairly confident I would be okay in the morning. Yeah.
Fast forward to the morning, after a fairly decent sleep (as decent as I can sleep on a couch with no cover or real pillows.) I wake up at about 8:00am or so, and am feeling pretty good… no headache or anything, or nausea. I do have to go the bathroom pretty bad, so I go in there and do the business, but otherwise am fine. Kade and Amanda get up shortly after I get out of the bathroom, and we stay up for a few hours, but since Evan and his Amanda haven’t gotten up, end up falling back asleep around 10:00am or so. I do notice during the time I am awake that I am feeling somewhat odd, but still nothing really bad. When I lay back down around 10 to fall back asleep, I start getting a slight headache, and when I close my eyes, everything feels like it is spinning. I remember Kade saying something about it the night before, as being a sign that you are going to throw up. I am really hoping it isn’t going to happen, and try to fall asleep. About 1/2 hour later, Evan gets up, and I wake up enough to realize that YES, I am going to throw up. I tell Evan this, and go outside, but he says he would rather have me do it in the bathroom. I rush in there, and sure enough… the little bit of White Castle, and some Diet Coke that I sipped on that morning comes up. The rest of the day, until we ate I was feeling nauseous off and on, and even now as I am writing this, I am still feeling a LITTLE of it.
Moral of THIS story. I don’t think I will EVER drink that much again. The brief bit of fun being that drunk, really doesn’t seem as worth it in comparison for the HORRIBLE day I had afterwards. If I do drink anywhere near that again, I believe I am going to stay at my 6 shot limit, and be done with it. I seriously can’t believe that I drank that much, and had to deal with a hangover like that. The thing that makes me wonder is that some people do this on a daily basis. I don’t know if you just get used to the hangover crap or what, but how can it ever be worth it to get THAT drunk THAT often? Oi. Anyway, I just had to get this down so I can have a record of it… I am going to bed now, in my OWN bed, and I hope that I will have a good night of sleep and wake up feeling actually good in the morning.
You will get that drunk again because you still drink. =) Nothing bad with the scene, but if you can control all the more power to you coz because I couldn't. Thus, I was drinking daily (Southern Comfort was my brew of choice as well) and you do get use to the hang over if you allow yourself to be a buzz seeker daily.
Bleah, I had my various degrees of drunken experiences, and now I'm done with it. If I drink at all, it's socially and generally only a beer or two, maybe a mixed drink. I can say I know what it's like to be drunk, to have a hangover, to black out, and now that I've had those experiences, I'm done. No need to keep going and destroy my liver, eh? It makes sense to me that you're done with the drunk thing now that you've had the experience. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle! :)
I still have yet to have, or the desire to have, the drunken experience. It just does not appeal to me. I guess that just leaves more alcohol for the rest of the world.
Just hang on to the bottle and not the other way around.
I know how you feel, ask talam and his wooman about the first night we got together for DnD at crawford street. Entire bottle of Belvedere in two hours.
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