Friday, March 10, 2006


Indiana UniversityWoot.  Well, I know it has been forever since an update, but I really didn’t have anything interesting enough to update with.  Anyway, the big news is that I was accepted to Indiana University!  It pretty much rules I suppose… although who knows if I can actually go back to book learnin’ again.  Kade and Amanda were also accepted, so everything is good on that front, and the move to Bloomington will happen in a few months.

On a secondary note, I built a nice new computer, which I am quite enjoying.  It is a P4 3.4ghz, 1gb ram, a HUGE 400gb SATA hard drive, and a NVIDIA GeForce 7800GTX PCI-Express 16x video card.  I salvaged the Audigy 2 and DVD +/– RW from the old computer, but it is still running in the other room.  I was fairly impressed with myself, it turned on and ran perfectly on the first boot!  Anyone who has ever built a computer will understand that everything working great the first time is a fairly rare occurence.  I did have to work around it a bit though when installing XP, being as how the pre-Service Pack 2 XP doesn’t support SATA or PCI-Express… so I had to “slipstream” the SP2 onto my XP Home disk.  It was actually pretty cool, and surprises me that Microsoft allows something like that to be done, and not force you to purchase a new XP disk or something like that… so I now have a new copy of Home with SP2 already on it.  An interesting note, this computer does not have a floppy drive at all.  I decided I never use floppies anymore, so I wouldn’t even bother this time.  More than likely though, something will come up that will require one and I will have to open my case up and slap one in there eventually.

Well, thats all I really have for now, for those that read me, I hope it tides you over till something else equally boring happens.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the whole IU thing. Have you decided on a major yet?
Hope your doing o.k., haven't seen you for a while.

Anonymous said...

Fucking grats on all accounts. It is good to see you getting back into school and looking forward to it. I am also fairly envious about the new will be awhile before I can get a new one, and well, I am content with what I have.

Kozzuth said...

Awesome possum! I am sure it will be a great experience for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Woot! Grats on the acceptance to IU. You'll be vaguely closer to the Haute now, I believe. Have you made sure to get your transcripts from high school and your other schools sent to IU for transfer credits? (Sorry, I'm an advisor, this has become second nature, lol.) You'll have to keep us updated as to how it all goes. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that anonymous was me. Erin. The anonymous person. :D


Anonymous said...

doesnt it feel great to be accepted. i can't wait to start IU, i'm so sick of being at Vincennes and also it will rock having us all in the same house