I, for one, am going to continue pronouncing it "gif" with the voiced, velar stop (hard 'g' for ya lay-peeps) 'cause I agree with what Erik Macki wrote in the comments. That and, being a linguist, I know far too much about words and morphophology to simply let one person out there dictate to me how a word is supposed to be pronounced, regardless of whether or not he coined it. Words are alive, people! Let's keep it that way. Trying to stop a word's natural progression is either impossible or it kills it. :)
Now that I've gotten my little linguistic fix, I'll leave you alone. ^_^
I, for one, am going to continue pronouncing it "gif" with the voiced, velar stop (hard 'g' for ya lay-peeps) 'cause I agree with what Erik Macki wrote in the comments. That and, being a linguist, I know far too much about words and morphophology to simply let one person out there dictate to me how a word is supposed to be pronounced, regardless of whether or not he coined it. Words are alive, people! Let's keep it that way. Trying to stop a word's natural progression is either impossible or it kills it. :)
Now that I've gotten my little linguistic fix, I'll leave you alone. ^_^
I am glad my lazy English style paid off for once. I have always pronounced it as "JIF" because peanut butter is good!
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