Thursday, January 19, 2006

Cingular to be branded as AT&T

Well its a damn good thing RadioShack just switched over to Cingular recently, because HAPPY JOY it means all new signing and colors... AGAIN. Wow is all I can say.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

Kozzuth said...

AT&T is blue. Blue rules the world. Some examples:

- Wal-Mart
- AT&T
- Democrats (oh wait, they are losing, but the spirit is SO alive that it will become - which I will be buying if at all possible.)
- Blue eyes are always charming. Even Hitler thought so.
- Sears even though they went to the red side (poltics again) - i.e K-mart's logo is red...
- Okay, I am done, but you see how this symbolizm goes on and on... I know there is a book on this:

CODEX MAGICA by Texe Marrs