Sunday, June 22, 2008

Netflix Removing Profile Feature

Okay, I haven't been able to find any mention of this anywhere else, so I thought I would make a post about it. I just found the Netflix Community Blog post about removing the profiles feature, and their lame excuse for why it is going away. I also decided to post my annoyances with this feature being removed. Well anyway, after I posted my comment... I get an email from the person running the blog... Michael Rubin. It read as follows:

I am on a leave of absence and will not be checking email regularly. If this is a netflix community-based issue, please email michael hart at; for more general product management issues, contact gib biddle at

If this is a personal matter, feel free to try me at: - which i will check periodically.

Sorry for any inconvience.

Does anyone else find this odd? I certainly do.

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